2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration

Taking Place May 2025

The Gouverneur Central School District is preparing for kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year. All children residing in the Gouverneur school district who will be 5 years old on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.

If your child is currently attending the Gouverneur Central School’s pre-k program, they are already registered for the 2025-2026 kindergarten. You will not need to complete the kindergarten registration/screening process. Any items handed out at the kindergarten registration/screening appointment will be sent home with each pre-k student prior to the last day of school.

How Do I Register My Child for Kindergarten?

  1. Schedule a Registration/Screening Appointment by April 23th.
    You and your child will be required to attend a Registration/Screening appointment. Appointments must be scheduled by April 23th. You can schedule your appointment by either filling out this Online Appointment Form or by calling 315-287-1949.

  2. Fill out Registration Paperwork by May 2nd
    Fill out the Registration Packet and Health History forms by May 2nd. These forms must be completed by the resident parent. Paper copies can be requested by calling 315-287-1949.
    Registration Packet
    Health History Form

  3. Attend Registration/ Screening Appointment
    At this appointment, your child will be asked to complete several small tasks. Parents/guardians will have a chance to ask questions and learn about other school programs their child may be eligible for.

    Parents/Guardians will need to provide the following information for their child:
    • Birth Certificate
    • Proof of Residency
    • Immunization Record
    • Custody Paperwork
    You can save time at your Registration/Screening appointment by uploading these documents using the secure link below.
    Document Attachment Form

    You will be required to bring these documents to your Registration/Screening appointment if you do not upload them.