Staff Resources

IT Services/Help

Need IT help?
Call: (315) 287-1900 x46551

Communication Chain

Communication Chain for Faculty and Staff


Our district uses Frontline to manage forms, evaluations, professional development, and absenses.
Frontline Education App

Absence Reporting via phone:
Using Absence Management on the Phone


Absence Management Quickstart Guide
Frontline Central Quickstart Guide
Frontline Conference Guide
Checking Your Attendance Balance

Maintenance Request and General Supply Ordering

Use this link for both requesting maintenance and for ordering general supplies for your classroom/office.

Inventory Ordering Instructions

District Software

Ed Law 2-D requires that we secure privacy contracts from vendors that collect student information.

Find a comprehensive list of district approved websites by clicking on the "Supplemental Information" link our Ed Law 2-D website.
Our Ed Law 2-D Informational Site

If you'd like to make a request for the District to consider additional software to use in your classroom, fill out the
District Software Request Form.

The following link provides a list of district software and who to contact with questions about it.
District Software & Contacts


EAP is a program our district subscribes to that is a benefit to all district employees. They provide help with counseling, parenting, elderly and child care resources, adoption, special needs, health and wellness, finances, taxes, pet resources, stress, grief, depression, trauma, alcohol, drugs and much more.